G'day All,
I didn't find any other broken parts, I bought the O-ring and decided to splurge on a New Needle since the total cost for both was only $2.50, the lady at the shop did seem surprised that the original Needle was Grey though.
Assembled it all, cranked the Mower over and promptly filled the Shed with smoke, let it run till my eyes watered, then decided to take it outside and run it for 5 minutes.
Dragged it out the door, yanked the cord once, twice, three times and the bugger wouldn't start again. Dragged it back in the shed changed the Spark Plug, took the cover off the Carby and checked it, yanked the cord another dozen times and nothing.
Just as I'm at the Mild Stroke stage of yanking on the cord I look down and think, isn't the Tap in the OFF position???
Yup, you guessed it "Mr Dumbo" had turned it off and forgot to put it back on again. Turned it ON, two yanks and off it went.
The Mower is now running and looks Brand New, which is more than I can say for myself.
Using Araldite to repair the Cover was a bust, after 10hrs of having it clamped together it popped right apart again.
However I did find a (apparently new) product called
Selleys Plastics Glue which can handle all Plastic's including Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP). As some of you may know PE and PP has always been a bugger to repair, well I can tell you, this Selleys Plastics Glue works a treat and they aren't joking about the grab time being as quick as 2 seconds.
I applied the primer to both sides, a little glue along one side of the break, pushed together and it grabbed like a Dingo on a Baby, it was so fast I didn't have time to line up part of the break properly.
If you've got any PP or PE parts to repair I highly recommend this product (I'm already collecting all the broken Plastic bits around the house to repair). Apparently you can buy it with or without the Primer (I went for the one with the Primer as I wanted the best result), a lot of Hardware Stores haven't even heard of it. In the end I found it at Coles for $7.35, the Hardware Store said $6 something, but I would have had to wait 2 weeks for them to order it. Pricey for the 3ml tube of Glue you get, but worth the money to repair things made of PP or PE Plastic.
Anyway, that's my Mower all fixed now and I'm a Happy Man once again.
Thanks for the Information you gave me emmo, greatly appreciated mate.