I inherited an electric reel from my pop about 45 years ago, loved it but hated having to move the cord.
I decided to sell the electric and buy a SB45 about 45 years ago, loved it but after moving house, then house again, my lawns were a mixture of buffalo, couch and weeds and didn't feel I could justify using my SB45 on these lawns.
For 44 years my lawns weren't nice, got rained on in winter and unloved in summer.
Anyway, my darling wife decided she wanted to landscape our front garden and have a TifTuf lawn planted, BIG MISTAKE as I started getting the bug again to have a nice lawn.
All I had was a rotary mower and because the lawn was laid on a day when we had 40mm of rain, the landscapers foot holes were everywhere and lawn was really undulating and the rotary was scalping it leaving horrible round rings.
I purchased a 2nd hand Ozito 18v reel mower for $100 as my wife refused to let me spend more.
Even using the Ozito 18v reel, my wife saw and improvement and let me spend $1000
on a 4 year old Bushranger 500CM 20" and lawn continued to look better.
I top dressed TifTuf.
The Bushranger 500CM was good but it was so heavy and cumbersome that my 120 SqM lawn couldn't justify it.
I was looking for a SB45 17" that I could rebuild but prices were too high to justify.
So I purchased a 100% total rebuilt and repainted professionally with all new parts a beautiful SB45 17" that hadn't been used since the rebuild for $3000 and told MY WIFE, sorry I can't say. ;^)
Anyway, I've only used the SB45 about 3 times and the lawn has just continued to improve and now looks like a green carpet,
I just love my SB45 17".Cheerz