I see here much on rear wheels, but how do I get a front wheel off? I take the grub nut off and then what? does the inner round thing screw off or is it a matter of just pulling it all off. attached photo after I had (after hours of trying everything) got the tube off, yes it had a puncture. I have ordered new tires and tubes anyway. note the tools, the red one was very handy to being with, blunt enough but it had grooves on it that gripped the rim. having got so far I was able to insert the other two.. one like thee wheel tool they show, but with the end but at right angles, the other being a 10mm socket I had welded for car repairs. one in, and the other (pretty sure it was the socket one on the right there) in and struck with a hammer to get it to go around. ended up working well. I also used a simple clamp to pull the other side loose.
I have some shift-ya-bastard spray. ebay deleted my feedback because it had the word bastard in it, even though that was the products name, lol . I also now have a powerful dewalt 54 hammer drill that might come in handy.
my contact glue was a clear one in the can, and was useless. ordered some proper stuff. might wait for the new tyres and tubes. meanwhile experimenting if the wonderful J B Weld will hold that patch on in the meantime.
just noting that J B Weld held the patch to the tube and sealed the wound, albeit with the tyre outside the wheel and only at enough pressure to inflate the tube to size. handy stuff. I do a blocksplitter (axe) with it to glue it to a fiberglass handle. probably best to wait for the new tyres and tubes anyway.