ODK history lovers
This image held by the
State Library of of Victoria [SLV] has frustrated
me for years! It depicts a beautiful horse and horse mower in a park opposite
terrace houses [Try 163 Station Street, Port Melbourne, on Google Maps].
The SLV has no accurate date for the image.
It was taken by photographer
Albert Jones some time
from about 1910 to 1930. The mower could be older…
Please view a SLV high-resolution image here: -http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/43113The frustration was that I could not identify the particular
mower in the image! I knew it was most probably from one
of the top three UK makers – Ransomes, Shanks, Greens
– but which one!
I finally got the answer in 2021, no thanks to me,
but from a renowned author and historian.