Hi Folks - I picked up a facebook marketplace find - a cox "compact tractor".
See photos below
1) electrical wiring was old and frayed, now repaired (got some battery cables from a wrecker)
2) flat tyres - removed shredded tyre and replaced - filled all 4 wheels with "tyre weld"
3) worn cutting belt that completely shredded.. (I dont know how big to purchase) - any ideas??
4) it occassinoaly blows oil out of the crank case breather. (This causes masses of grey smoke, so I disconnected the breather, and it instead blows hot oil onto my left boot)
5) - it doesn't seem to have a brake lever attached on left hand side?
I need to identify the mower to get the right belt parts - and can't find any serial numbers on the mower. The side of the mower says "compact tractor" and it has a short rounded clutch pull rod on the right hand side.
I did some searching and found this manual/parts diagram.. i THINK it is the right one but unsure...
Cox Compact Tractor ManualI did find a model and type on the engine though - Briggs and Stratton 12.5HP
Model 286707-type 4028 02-Code 92062931
So - here is some photos of the mower - can you please help me identify it?
And any thoughts on the blowing oil back into the carby through the breather?
Thanks in advance..