Hi all,
Finally put on the new cork clutches, drive chain, pulley, blades, battery, brake shoe and other parts and mowed the yard. It's like a new bloody mower, except the front tyres are bald and when you turn it just wants to keep going straight. So I jumped on the interwebs and bought two new tyres to put on, and here's where my issues start.
When I removed the back wheels to make it easier to get the autodrive assembly out to do the clutches, I had to undo 3 nuts and the wheels came off no problems. Stupid me assumed the front wheels were the same, so I undid 2 bolts and got up to put them on the bench so I wouldn't lose them, heard a massive BANG and turned around to an exploded wheel. Scared the s*&t out of me! Didn't realise they were a split rim
So I need a new rim. Anyone know were I can possibly get one? The rim size is 13 x 6 I think as the tyres are 13 x 5.00 - 6.
Thanks in advance.