Hi, I've got a scorpion SDi1000 900w camping generator that's not getting fuel pumping from the fuel pump.It has a fuel pump operated by crankcase pulsing air pressure to the pump. When i pull the rope no fuel is pumped if i blow on the vent hose it will pump.I can feel air pulsing out the hose but it seems not enough to make the pump work.I don't no if the pump is worn out of if it maybe an internal problem with crankcase pressure does anyone have any ideas or no where i can get a manual or what brand of engines they are based on.Thanks
scorpion generators are Chinese, i had one for a week, they are distributed by "Austech" click on the link for the nearest service center,they should be able to help.
Hi all, Problem solved thanks for the help, it was the fuel pump had trouble finding another, Honda have the same pump but plastic, even bolted on the same way.This may help someone else out if they come across the same problem one day. The machine was a 4-stroke, sold through Mitre 10 and other chain stores to probably.