Hi folks.
Got a few Q's about this mower I've inherited.
It's a Victa "Mayfair 2". Not too sure of the age - has a geared starter and plastic (LM?) carburettor; plastic fuel tank, coil/points/capacitor ignition.
Wondering if I can still get parts for this?
Story so far: Mower worked once (after cleaning spark plug).
Wouldn't shut off (cut out wires loose/dirty? Throttle cable disconnected? Dunno...had very little (maybe none) throttle control.) I simply turned off the fuel [Censored] and waited.
At this point I figured the mower would be useable so I replaced the plug, and blades.
Then it wouldn't start.
Fuel is fresh.
Replaced the old plug thinking maybe the new one was faulty, & checked for spark - still none.
Figuring that the cut out might be causing a problem, pulled the carbie to pieces, cleaned and re-assembled. No parts replaced in the carbie (I think it's an LM carburettor, from the manuals)
Still no spark. Pulled one of the cut-out wires and held away from metal. No spark still.
Pulled flywheel off and checked the points - they look like new. Absolutley no pitting...wonder if someone's been here before?!?
What next? Capacitor? Coil? Is the coil available as a spare any more??
One other Q: When re-assembling the coil/E-core to the engine, what should the gap between the core and flywheel be set at? And any suggestions for how to do it (I thought of using a thin piece of cardboard.)
Any suggestions gratefully recieved!