have a victa 2 stroke mower with plastic g4 carby. It will start but then stop, if i push and pull the mower forward and backwards it will idle erratically but wont stop till i stop jarring the mower also if i prime the nipple it will stay idling till i stop priming. if i replace the spark plug the mower will last bit longer then fowl up the plug. the primer face of the carby originally was leaking and replaced the primer face with new needle and o ring. Still same problem, the cut out wires that plug into the carby, the boot is perished and if i move the wire in and out the mower somewhat will stay idling until i stop moving the wire. I replaced fuel and cleaned the tank, got good compression and good air filter. still no go, fuel tap is good and flow is ok. obviously something wrong with the carby. can i get help and maybe get instructions on pulling apart the carby for service and positioning the cut out wires and maybe how to access main jet..