Just thought I would describe my collection to you all.
My favourites are the various alloy hi arch models churned out in the 1970s,though I have aquired some of the store brand models too,with the flat base.
I now have 4 of those VC mustangs with the fancy green body,3 with the G4 carby and one with the cast metal flag carb.All run .
I have a Celestial 160 in decent condition for it's age with that real 1970s look about it.Engine good but needs work on the decomp valve.
I recently got a very soiled but sound VC 160 in good condition with flag carby.It runs very quiet and it's my current favourite!
I also have 3 storebrand type zip start Victas with very good 125 motors,2 with G4 plastic carby and one with flag type.
They all start easily like a powertorque!Beautiful smooth motors if a little less powerful than the 160.
Also have a 1980s Mustang with the alloy body and powertorque motor.Goes well.
There is only one model that eludes me and that is the Victa VB 125.Similar looking to the green VC mustang ,only doesn't have the ball bearing wheels and that fancy wraparound cowling the VC has.
[This message has been edited by Mowerfreak (edited 07 February 2006).]