I have a lovely old 1963 (odd) Victa Mayfair with an impulse starter. The spring recently broke in 2 places strangely, while it had been working and I'd tipped the mower on it's side to remove palm tree fronds wrapped around the crank (like steel cable, horrid stuff).
I was lucky enough to be given some parts by an old friend which included a Victa 18 base or two, seized engines and an impulse starter with good spring. It didn't work, I remover the top and found the cup and pawls were all stuffed.
Great idea, pull the matched colour starter apart (gold base, yellow engine covers and starter), remove broken spring, do spring swap.
I was lucky enough to be given a new dog cup (whatever you call the cup the pawls catch in that's held on the crank by the big nut (no, not me)) and new pawls along with the cup and brake which rotates/extends the pawls, all new old stock in a friends shop, all free.
Problem is I stripped the spring out, stripped my starter down, put the spring in but there's a grinding noise somewhere in the system when I attempt to start the mower. It's not the crank, it spins free with spark lead disconnected, the pawls rotate/retract (I forgot the little spring just once) so it has to be a washer or some other item in the incorrect place, assembled exactly the way the other starter came apart.
I'm in desperate need of assembly instructions and some I've seen documented here in another thread I can no longer find shows different components, possibly off a different brand.I love my old Mayfair, it's images have been used here before to show the mayfairs in untouched, nice condition, twin inverted white handle (turning in towards the engine), red grips, all original and untouched including original mesh filter without filter and looks about 5 years old at most.
If I'm going to spend my time washing and polishing the mower it would be great if I could mow my lawn with it too.
https://www.outdoorking-forum.com.a...yfair-help-identifying-my-new-mower.htmlHELP please?As for Victa 18s with stamped decks (toe cutter decks), I'm looking for suitable wheels which I now know cant be purchased new and are very hard to get and while I still have a tub of parts to collect from the owners front porch (maybe tomorrow) I'm not sure if there's any original wheels in the tubs and more curious whether the original wheels which are cracked may be able to be glued with any particular adhesive to keep them somewhat original.
Have I mentioned I like old junk?
Reminds me of me, old, useless junk (below the hair line I think).