Hi all, I just wanted to bounce some ideas on what to do with this rustic but solid Tornado chassis? As you can see, the hammered paint has lifted off everywhere after a power wash, revealing a rusty surface underneath, but nothing penetrative. I took an ecotorque two stroke engine off. Not sure if it runs. I was thinking of just leaving it as is and refitting the engine and trying to get it going and use /sell it as is. I don't have another chassis that takes thy longer shaft engine, and this is quite decent still. It doesn't look like it's worth it to go to the trouble to paint it unless I just slap on some Aldi metal care black paint?
Ahh, if only victa had kept producing the thumblatch catcher series, they would be in better shape today!
I had a trailer as rusty as this base and just wire brushed the loose rust off but left it rusty brown then painted some etch primer on, followed with some watered down water based Wattyl Solagard that was sprayed on.The trailer was left out in the rain for years and I was surprised it never rusted anywhere it was painted.
Problem is Wattyl Solagard is about $15. a litre but you need to buy it in bulk to get it that cheap.
Sometimes I just wire brush the metal base with a drill and paint the base with a $10. spray can of high temp engine enamel as it doesn't wash off with fuel spills.
I'd have to throw that Tornado base in the scrap pile unless I put a 4 stroke on it as no one pays much for 2 strokes here.
I used to find that a product called Penetrol (Flood Co.) was good for that kind of rust...after wire brushing and before whatever you're going to topcoat it with. Let it dry thoroughly before painting over.