Hi again guys, I have a Honda HR214 engine (same as the one pictured) that revs too hard when throttle is set to idle. It revs harder when you push the throttle to fast but will not idle down to a reasonable speed. I have another HR214 on another mower that runs perfectly. I have put the two mowers on the bench facing each other and removed the air filter and covers so I could compare the governor springs/linkages set up etc. Everything matches on both engines wherever I set the throttle control, governor springs are the same tension and in the same position, the governor arm on both engines is in exactly the same position, choke butterfly works identical, throttle butterfly has the same kick back tension on both mowers, no springs are damaged and no linkages are bent, adjusting screws in same positions, both carburettors have been thoroughly cleaned and new gaskets fitted, both have the correct undamaged spacers between the air box and the carby front. In short when compared side by side positionally everything matches on both motors, the only difference is one motor was fitted as a self propelled model but has had the drive shaft removed. For the life of me I can't figure out what the issue might be, any assistance appreciated. Thanks.
Hi MickeyD, undo the bolt that holds the governor arm down on the crankcase,push the arm to the left and rotate the governor shaft to the right and hold both in that position while you tighten up the nut
Yeah I usually do the same as Norm but first mark the arm and shaft with a scribe because you usually only need to move the arm half a mm so if you go too far you can at least see where to adjust to next time or if you haven't moved the arm far enough it always helps to have a reference line..
Hi Max, I had to drive 30ks the other side of Ballarat to adjust the shaft on a mates Greenfield, took about 2 mins, he just looked at me completely dumbfounded