Found it on Kerb yesterday. Missing starter. Drill method got it going after stalling on first two attempts. Pressing primer helped. Blade bar is good. Front axle bent. Used old bearings as spacers to keep cowl secured down.
Ahh, if only victa had kept producing the thumblatch catcher series, they would be in better shape today!
I have been thinking there are probably other brand's starters that will fit this Chonda. I wish I hadn't chucked a bunch out recently. You just never know if you'll n need them. Hoarding has it's benefits.
Ahh, if only victa had kept producing the thumblatch catcher series, they would be in better shape today!
Hi MF, I'm fairly sure this one fits, I can check later today, I put one on a Chonda a week or so ago but there is a slight issue with the starter cup
I never buy starters as this Aldi mower serviced I would only get $60. for it with a plastic catcher, so I usually just cut a ring of sheet metal (old computer side wall) and use the sheet metal as an adapter (pop rivet the starter to the sheet metal ring then bolt the sheet metal ring to the mower cowl but sometimes you can just redrill an old starter to fit the cowl or redrill the cowl.
And as it is only worth $60 don't waste any time fitting another type of starter as you can easily end up spending a couple of hours doing it, best thing to do is put it back on the nature strip
Yes mowers aren't worth getting for free if you count the time it takes to fix them but if you see an old Rockwell mower the starter takes 5 minutes to drill and will fit the Aldi mower.
Yes mowers aren't worth getting for free if you count the time it takes to fix them but if you see an old Rockwell mower the starter takes 5 minutes to drill and will fit the Aldi mower.
Cheers Max.
I threw out a Wesco starter and cover only weeks ago.
Originally Posted by NormK
The pull starter on the Aldi mowers are one of their weak points, everyone I see has the pullstart missing
That's what I suspected when I saw an ad for one with a missing starter.
Ahh, if only victa had kept producing the thumblatch catcher series, they would be in better shape today!
Always grab the stepped hose they put on some Chondas, they are a real pain if you come across one that is split and you have to replace it
Norm, what method do you use to make up replacements? I force victa line into 1/4in briggs line, put a thick fence wire inside, bend to the angle I want then heat up the victa line to develop a 90deg bend
Hi Tyler, As you say, one hose forced inside the other but I haven't tried the wire inside, just make the hose longer and allow a longer sweep in the hose
Yes I always keep starters and starter cups etc when I throw the old worn out motors into scrap metal.
The last Chonda I replaced the stepped fuel hose, I just went to Clark Rubber and got some 8 mm (5/16) clear hose and heated the hose before putting on the tank end and it worked well , it had to stretch a bit but better than using second hand hose like I usually do.
I'd hate to know how many Aldi mowers I've had but most run like new ones, just about 4 that were worn out and the one Mf has always has a busted starter as previously mentioned.