Your generous Norm ,I would only pay $10. to $20. if it ran well ,I'd have to be desperate for a motor to pay $20., I scrapped a lot of those MTD mowers that looked a lot newer all with good engines ,I sell newish looking Victa mowers with that engine serviced for $80. and lucky if it only takes about a week to sell .
Possibly if your desperate for a mower Norm but as we know there a lot better mowers cheaper.
I won't sell those MTD mowers as I don't think they are worth anything , but worth something if you want an engine for another mower ,I think you do the same.
Hi Max, I have always scrapped any of those MTD mowers, kept the wheels as they are reasonably solid, but the bodies are awful and I usually find the motors have had a hard time and are at their end of life
Hi Max, They are just a big bulky mower that I have no idea why a manufacturer would use so much extra steel to build something that doesn't have a wider cut than all the other lighter mowers, they are just plain stupid