Hi Norm,
We have considered concrete but it might try forcing the tank up. Googling it they suggest using cement powder and crusher dust compact just 75 to 100 mm at a time. I am not sure what the mean by this because the mini mix is just going to dump this in the hole. Any thoughts welcome.
I have heard Americans saying you use pea gravel to fill in around the tank , cement powder ,I think they are referring to recycled
concrete powder (recycled broken down concrete)
Crusher dust is broken down stone and I think it's also washed.
Obviously the 75 to 100 mm at a time is when back filling the tank you back fill in say 75 mm then compact it down then
fill in another 75 mm and compact it down and so forth.
I know when putting a tank under ground in clay it's one of the worst things for the tank floating.
There are lots of rules for putting tanks under ground ,I don't remember them without looking them up but some are like
the diameter of the tank, say 5 foot has to have 5 foot of back fill on top of the tank and a car can't drive past the tank
unless it's 5 foot away.
The recommendation for crusher dust etc may be to provide excellent drainage due to its light weight and porous structure. It can be used as a general filling material for low areas within landscaping projects: These low spots regularly collect water which leads to problems including root rot, wet soil and insects around the home. ( stops the water building up in one spot by letting the water drain through the crusher dust)
There are other rules like a concrete base or concrete blocks are a certain thickness to strap the tank to
so it doesn't lift , something along the lines of the size of the tank will displace a certain amount of water that you can
calculate what weight is needed to hold the tank down.
I guess you could use a Buoyancy Calculator ,( B = ρ × V × g ) to work out the weight to hold the tank down.
I've used plastic Drainage Channels in the drive that were in clay and I had to cut bricks in half length-ways
and put the cut brick in the bottom of the drainage channel to stop them floating.
1000 litre tank ,I think I would have put 10 star pickets in with 5 chains.
I'm assuming this tank is the correct type of tank to put under ground ,as I've heard some poly tanks will crack.