I just fitted a new (Chinese I know this could be the reason but what else can we do in this world we are forced to buy Chinese rubbish ) carby on an Intek motor. The problem I'm having is it revs ok but as soon as I fit the intake manifold (without an air filter in it) it just bogs down and chokes it.It will run at idle but as soon as you try to increase the revs it just bogs down. I need the housing fitted because of the primer and I am running out of ideas as to why the housing is restricting the air flow. Anybody have any thoughts?
Sounds like the carby is too small ,I think the smaller Intek is about 5 hp so you may have a 4 hp carby ,I would check the motor size and carby Venturi size.
Hi Max, Old carby and new carby look pretty much the same. Thinking I might pull the motor off (problem is it runs well and no smoke or noises) and just put a brand new motor on it and be done with it.
Hi Norm. Some carby faces where the filter housing mounts on have 2 holes that can't be blocked by the air cleaner housing or gasket ,so when changing to a different carby you may need to modify the gasket and filter housing.
You could swap the main jet from the old carby to the new carby if they are different or measure the sizes with an oxy tip cleaner.
I haven't got an Intek carby handy to see how the jet comes out ,not sure if it's a special tool to remove it or there is a jet in the carby bowl bolt.
If you got the new carby from eBay ,I would try another carby on the motor like one off a Deutscher Slasher Intek motor, that way if it works with your other carby you can notify eBay for a full refund.
When Buying parts from China if there is a problem with the part not working I always check them against a working part so I will be refunded because that proves the new part is the problem.
Both the Intek carbs were not much good , I did put them in the ultrasonic but they probably didn't get tube cleaned up properly and they were both worn in the butterfly body. Anyway I have ordered 2 more motors to put on them, and one bloke wants an electric start and the only ones I can find are the 13hp ones for the rideons
Hi Max, One thing I forgot with the 13hp motors is they don't come with a fuel tank so I'm guessing I would have to fit a tank from a Victa 24 or something like that and then I have to make up a battery box and battery leads. It keeps going on. And now I am struggling to get the grub screw out off the pulley on the old motor. Have you ever tried drilling one out?I might try heating it with the oxy today, hopefully that will free it up.
Fuel tanks are cheap Norm. A long time ago I would buy battery leads from the wreckers for $2 and take them out of a Mini as the battery is in the boot so you could make a few leads out of one.
I've drilled the grub screws out before,if you can fit a pin punch in an allen head grub screw then hit it with a hammer first to shock it loose or hit a grub screw bolt with a hammer ,the oxy will also work.
Hi Max, got the grub screw out with heat,penetrene and using the impact driver with a few mods so all good for the moment. Got a fuel tank I can use in a pile of parts along with 3 early Victas I picked up for $50. Also the 3 Victas had the matching catchers in good undamaged condition and the Cortina has also the rear side chute attatchment in pretty good condition. Not sure if I should wreck it because all I was really interested in was the motor. Another one is a high arch I think it is 20inch maybe bigger with a PT on it. That probably is too good to wreck but I was after the PT cowl that doesn't have the fuel tank in it so I could put it on a slasher. Another trailer load of stuff I had to sort through this morning