Hi Bryan ,Norm ,Tyler ,Mf
Sounds like you want some lights for a mower Mf.
Toro sell a light kit and in the kit is a generator that runs off the V belt, with some other motors they have an extra magnet
on the flywheel that charges the battery from the primary side of the coil when the piston is at bottom dead centre ,like the
Victa Powertorque.
I think the original motor on this Toro is a Kawasaki FE120, but have also seen Subaru® Heavy-Duty Industrial 4.5 hp (3.36 kw), OHC 4-cycle engine.on these ,like an EX13 ,I've seen these mowers sell in the US for $200.
https://www.purplewave.com/auction/190402/item/EQ9050/Lawn_and_Garden-Lawn_Mower-KansasI guess you could see if a Honda clone would fit like a GX 160 5.5 Hp.