1973 B&S powered Masport Whirlwind Tiller. The identification on the motor is 80212 0573-01 730831. I need a new exhaust (manifold and muffler) and help on making and fitting a new air cleaner housing . Anybody got any suggestions please?
Don't bother trying to make a filter housing, head to a local mower shop and ask if they have a second hand one you could buy. Ideally, it would be a filter housing that fits ga spares foam filter AIR101 (briggs 27987s) but any other briggs filter and housing from a side valve will do.
Please oil the air filter - it works in a dusty environment
Muffler wise, the old briggs 89966 (ga spares MUF1851) will suit fine. you will need ga spares MUP764 for the muffler lock nut.
As part of the machines recommissioning, please check the gear head oil (tiller end) there is a level plug on the side and filler plug on the top. with the machine level oil should just flow out the level plug, otherwise add more through the filler.
Do not use regular oil - only masport 503335 as there are bronze gears in the head that can't use regular ep gear oil
Have you got a pic of how the carby springs anc wire cables are fitted on this B&S engine 1973 B&S powered Masport Whirlwind Tiller. The identification on the motor is 80212 0573-01 730831