Need a bit of help with this one. Back in August I picked up a Victa Tornado, from the curbside. Looked as though someone had attempted to fix it by glueing the primer cap on with an epoxy resin. It didn't help that they had it turned 90 degrees from where it should have been. I pulled it off and the o ring was perished so I stuck it back on with a bit of gasket goo. (Yes I know that it is not fuel proof) just to see if it would go. Started first pull. So I ordered a primer cap and o ring. I probably used the mower 4 times before the gasket goo washed out and it started first pull every time, by that time I had received the new parts at least a month or so earlier so put them in, started first time and mowed the lawn. So pleased with it I put my Morrison on gumtree for $50.00 and got rid of it. Turns out the Morrison may have been a lucky charm. Could be I have always missed my old Victa that I saved from the rubbish tip in 1981. Next time when I turned the fuel on it just ran out of the carby, took the primer cap off cleaned everything and turned the needle valve upside down to what I thought it should be, put it back together started first pull and mowed the lawn. Next time wouldn't start took the primer cap off cleaned everything and no matter which way I put the needle valve back in I could not get it to stop leaking. I used the old needle valve that was originally in it, started first pull and mowed the lawn Next time it wouldn't start appeared to be a little grit in the main jet and I thought I have found the problem, took the fuel tank off cleaned it out flushed all the lines cleaned everything again reassembled started first pull and mowed the lawn. Next time wouldn't start, it does not seem to matter what I do. I think the primer cap and float valve are working correctly as there seems to be about the right amount of fuel in it when I take it apart I have poked a thin wire through the thread where the main jet goes no restrictions there, If I put fuel in either the spark plug hole or the intake hose it runs for a few seconds until it exhausts the fuel. The diaphragm does not appear to be in bad condition but I wouldn't know, its very soft but not kinked or creased. It was reluctant to detach from the popet valve so I thought I would leave it at that. Before I order a new diaphragm and popet valve I thought I would consult with a higher authority as to what else I should try or buy. Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted. Not urgent as we have this wonderful resource (now called verge valet) and I picked up an unidentified mower (missing the starter assembly I have seen one of these before with the same problem) that seems to run perfectly once you start it with a drill and a 3/4" socket.
If I can get a large enough hammer it will run for awhile just trying to get away from me
Float needle is the problem, always is. The plastic ones are 98% useless and they only go in one way, look closely one end is pointed. The only needle that 98% works is the viton tipped ones. Not perfect but all you can get that works. I also find that I have to polish the seat with a cotton bud and metal polish. They can be made to work but it is the best option we have for these carbys
Thanks Norm, No doubt the first 3 or 4 times that it would not start the needle was the problem, but it seems to be working correctly at the moment. I have removed and resembled it at least 4 times. When it is sitting it does not leak fuel but when you remove the primer bulb there is a reasonable amount of fuel in there, roughly 30 to 50ml. Does it need an exact amount of fuel. As it runs for a few seconds when you put fuel in the air intake and there is fuel in the carby I suspect it is something to do with the mechanisms that draw fuel from the carby. Is there a way of testing these items
If I can get a large enough hammer it will run for awhile just trying to get away from me
It is a float needle problem, end of story, sometimes they will destroy your mind, they are the most annoying carby ever made. All I can ever do is keep swapping viton tipped needles and primer caps and eventually I get a combination that works, that doesn't leak from the needle/seat and a needle that does not stick in the seat. There is no rhyme nor reason to any of it, I get so angry with these when the needle/seat won't work and trust me the failure rate on these is about 50%
Thanks again Norm My apologies for being a little slow getting back to you, and also for ever doubting you. After your diagnosis was confirmed by someone else, (their post does not seem to be here anymore) I went and replaced the new primer cap and needle valve with the old one. (I did take the vacuum thing off and gave it a clean and ran a pipe cleaner through the throat while I was there). It started first pull, left it for a bit, started first pull and mowed the verge. I have tried it 3 more times since then, starts first pull. I have ordered a viton tipped needle valve but will wait until I have a problem before putting it in. Next problem will be the shut off system, but I should be able to disconnect it when it becomes unworkable. Again thanks for your help
If I can get a large enough hammer it will run for awhile just trying to get away from me