Hi QSR, I can't help unfortunately with these for the Mayfair Deluxe, but the parts you require do come available from time to time on online auction sites. Must be a sign of the times that people are hanging on to their stuff at present, which has resulted in demand and prices have gone absolutely crazy, especially at auctions. I've seen people bidding small plastic parts well over $100 at times. Sad to then visit the local tip and find the same part sitting there for a few bucks and most times nobody wants it and lots of parts are still ending up in landfill.
What did the snorkel look like on the Deluxe? Was it the same as the earlier model?
There are impulse starters on ebay, but once again the sellers are looking for top dollar as the spare parts market is geared towards "boutique sales" on those websites. An older generation local bloke was about to bin a lot of his old mower stuff in the belief that nobody would want it and it was worthless. I told him how much this stuff was selling for on ebay and he changed his mind and decided to hang on to it.
You can still buy muffler assemblies brand new from most mower places that will fit.
Howdy QSR, That's a 125 for sure, going by the head and the smaller looking barrel. I also believe all Mayfairs were 125, even the last of them in the late 70s.
Ahh, if only victa had kept producing the thumblatch catcher series, they would be in better shape today!
Managed to find a NOS muffler although no clips or gasket this afternoon, not sure if it's a later model muffler. My head doesn't have the rods that the clips would attach too.
My Mayfair is the same model. I think Norm is right that these are actually 125CC. Mine definitely has the clips and was often widely touted to be a 160CC as it takes the much larger fishtail muffler, that was at least designed to handle 160CC. You have purchased the correct aftermarket muffler. Pity you couldn't find an old fishtail type. They come up on ebay from time to time.
You can see the cut out on the engine block fins in your photo and the holes, which means your engine requires muffler clips. Yours is missing the two rods that go through those holes and then you will also need clips to help hold the muffler on. The rods fasten in place with some circlips, but I have seen people use the same diameter threaded rod, which works okay. You can buy the muffler clips cheaply from any online mower place, but make sure you get the right ones for that muffler. You will require the wavy shaped clips, not the straight ones. The straight ones are for later Power Torque models, 1984 onwards.
Gaskets for your muffler are dime a dozen on ebay.
Originally it had a fishtail-type exhaust but someone has cut a slot in the alloy base to fit a post-1972 type muffler.
As vintmow has suggested buying secondhand parts on eBay to replace the missing components will cost a small fortune. New parts are largely no longer available; you can get blades, blade bolt and nut sets, air filters and decals, all as reproduction parts. You’d probably be best to keep an eye out for another mower or two, either the same or very similar and to make one good one out of two or three scrap ones.
Sources to look out for them at are: tips, hard rubbish collection days, garage sales and markets. The going rate for a non-runner that may be beaten up but complete varies anywhere between $50-$150 depending upon the place it’s being sold, the model and condition. Catchers in decent usable nick are very hard to get for these “low arch” models or any mower from this era and can fetch very high prices.