My friends son did some work on mums mower.......... Anyway, the coil was detatched, bolts missing.... flywheel rusted, coil rusted. Put some ordinary bolts to hold coil. Sanded off rust and sprayed flywheel and coil with lubricant. Sharpened blade and cleaned air filter . Started it with drill, mowed the front lawn....... I hate these mowers.............. Then had to find nuts and put cover /starter on, but the front cover nut is on a special bolt that holds coil on.... it was lost...... I did it my way,.. with strap from ohc cover to starter cover. cheers speedy
ps, someone done a fix of fuel line. The original has different end diameters, why do that? I guess the fixer put fuel line in boiling water to soften it up to really stretch it over the fuel tank outlet..... all going now. At single mums rates, nothing.
Last edited by speedy; 08/04/2206:13 PM.
........................Keep your blades sharp......................