Hi all, Iām a 50+ year old concreter, husband and father. Jumped on here to learn about servicing and maintaining Honda engines as our troweling machines etc. are mostly powered by them and Iām sick of getting ripped off by so called small engine shops.
Not much goes wrong with those Honda's that an internet carburettor won't fix
They get a lot of rust in the float bowl that clogs up the main jet
You can clean them out but the rusty bowl will still be there
I have had to use the gas welding tip cleaners to unclog the jet but that is not s good idea as it damages the jet slightly . They will usually go afterwards but might run unevenly
Only expect to pay about $20 for the new carby
Those carbys have a drain plug in the bowl
.If we just undid that every once in a while and drain the water out we would have a lot less trouble.
first, welcome to the board [i]Krazypan[/i], I'm sure you won't be here long if all you have is a Honda OHV unless the equipment it's on gives trouble as well.
A plastic bowl that isn't affected by ethanol would avoid it too.
Ahh, if only victa had kept producing the thumblatch catcher series, they would be in better shape today!