ODK history lovers
The concept of the rotary action lawnmower combined
with the roller action of a reel mower is not a new one in
vintage mower history.
The British
Rotoscythe from the 1930s introduced the concept –
that a rotary mower could be used with a roller to produce
striped lawns for domestic applications.
This hybrid design – rotary with roller - was even attempted
in Australia with the
Pace Forward and the
Ing Rotarola [see related Links below].
These were commercial flops here. Aussies never took to the idea.
There may be good explanation for that ...
However, New Zealand’s
Masport did develop a successful
take on the concept. Their
Rotarola would be sold for decades …
a niche market of NZ users; but probably a much larger export
market to the UK.
The concept is, in my view, enticing but somewhat flawed.
It does make sense though. Maintenance costs for reel mowers
are quite absurd in the modern world. Domestic rotaries,
on the other hand, are relatively cheap to maintain, and
aesthetically, striped lawns are desirable for many folks.
I like them. There is merit in the design!