Hello to everyone, I hope you are all well and safe.
I have a Atco Lightweight model 1952 circa. It is fitted with a cone clutch of which I am not sure how this works. It appears to me that the part that has the fork attached slides on the shaft. Inside this part is a woodruff key to make the drive turn. Does this part slide over the woodruff key?
On the end of the Villiers motor there is a drive coupling to connect to the clutch. This coupling has only 1 arm. Should it have 2 arms? The arm that is presently there has been welded to the coupling body, is this normal?
I have attached some photo's to try and help explain.
Arty, in answer to your first question, yes the clutch cone slides on the shaft to lock into the clutch housing thereby giving drive, the fork on the lever is what activates it.