I bought this Ryobi-Subaru Lawn mower (Model RLM4619SMB) and I am in the process of trying to get it to run. The carby is something I haven't seen before and thought I'd share my dilemma. On pull starting it would backfire and was sometimes hard to pull (I pray it isn't another ACR problem) so I have adjusted valves, inspected the flywheel key, checked spark plug and then had a look at the carby. It doesn't have a choke plate. At first I thought it was just missing but on closer inspection there is no shaft hole in the carby to mount one. There is also no connecting choke rod present from the throttle control. The carburetor has a primer fuel inlet. It is a ruixing with the markings: Z02051010-02 and underneath that is: AKH091212 The mower also has an OHC/OHV setup. The engine is a Subaru EA190. Made in 2018. I have a manual for this engine but it shows a normal carburetor with choke and connecting rod. May be there's a later manual somewhere. Frankly, I don't see how it can start without some form of choke but I am a bit stumped. Here are some photos: In one of the photos I hope you can see that there is no provision for a shaft choke plate inside the carby even though the outside of the carburetor has a blocked off hole where the choke control is usually seen.
Am I mistaken in the belief that this mowers fuel system is designed not to have a normal choke system?
No choke sparker, only primer. It is hard with these ryobi ones as there are 2 or 3 different engines on them - a generic OHV, a generic OHC, a subaru and then Yamaha (same thing).
Here is a photo with primer. But some have manual or autochoke. Saw the end result of an autochoke one getting stuck wide open after the height adjust spring shot off and jammed the governor arm open. Not pretty