Victoria is obviously being run by a bunch of MORONS. My front lawn was starting to look a bit ratty because Mr Jim has not been allowed to come and cut it from since I can't remember when. I pulled out a F/C from the garage a ran it over my lawn and all looked good again. I decided I would run the mower over my neighbours front lawn and nature strip because the same Mr Jim does hers as well. What I didn't realize till yesterday is that under our idiotic laws at this stage you are NOT allowed to mow your neighbours laws. WTF I wouldn't have believed it but I heard that specific statement on the telly. Is there something mentally deficient with the people supposedly running this state?
Better watch it Norm. The next thing you know, you be serving life sentence for just helping someone out. Some places here you can't change a faucet; unless, you hire a licensed plumber; seen those billboards while traveling my part of the world.
Hi AVB, still hanging in there ok? Not sure if the Don has things under control there yet, I think he is finding it better to go and sort out problems in the Middle East, problems back home are too hard. I can understand the reasoning behind plumbing regulations to prevent possible contamination of water supplies because as you are aware of what some numnuts get up to with mowers, they are the same people who would tackle botch up jobs on the plumbing. As for me mowing my neighbours lawn I would think that would cop a $1650 fine, and they have been dishing out plenty of those recently. They have imposed a ring of steel around the metropolitan area and if you try to leave this area without the correct paperwork you can be hit with a $5000 fine. Then we have our nightime cerfew that locked everybody down from 8pm till 5am with the same fines being imposed on anybody caught out of their home without valid paperwork
Hi BB, It is actually only half a ring road, not sure I will get to see the completion of the ring in my lifetime, but I guess it is better to have half a ring than nothing at all, and not sure if we will ever be allowed to drive on it again in the near future. Getting very tired of having to live like this but at least I am getting a lot of jobs done around the house that would never have been done if I had continued fixing mowers. I guess there is some consolation in it for me
Don't even want think about that nightmare Don. He must be wearing fireproof pants as the term "liar, liar, pants on fire" comes to mind a lot lately. But having a red union suit it is fire proof, still looking for the horns, tail, and pitchfork.
As a ring road the local city has one on the books well over 40 yrs with only a quarter of it even half completed. Now with all the new homes and businesses in the way its initial cost have skyrocketed.
And yes all these restriction are a pain for most but I am use to living alone and being anti-social helps so it not much of a change for me other than the mask wearing in crowds so I can get food.
Now of course we all have are battles to deal with like the previous TP shortage and your Possum invasion. Stores here are still no where back to normal. It took me nearly two months to find a decent deck mop. Finally had to order them through Amazon. The ones at the local Dollar stores look a tassel on mop handle or like a BBQ mop with a long handle. The other string mops were commercial type that require a wringer bucket. Of there are all the crappy other mops that didn't fit my needs.
Last edited by Gadge; 20/09/2004:11 AM. Reason: Correct spelling of 2 words
And yes all these restriction are a pain for most but I am use to living alone and being anti-social helps so it not much of a change for me other than the mask wearing in crowds so I can get food
I like your way of thinking AVB.
I've been practising self-isolation for years. This pandemic is a breath of fresh air for me.
I pity North Americans though ... The Donald is an embarrassment as I see it.
Hi Gadge, He comes across as a bafoon but the fact he is the first president to be able to get those stupid Arab countries agreeing to peace deals means he must have some negotiating skills. Will it work?, who knows but at least he has got them sitting around the table. I guess if you want to change the way American politics works you have to sack people, tread on toes,kick heads,scream and abuse otherwise you just end up with the same old same old. It will be interesting to see how history judges him.
The Donald's main issue is that he got so much fame from doing the TV show "The Apprentice" that he still feels he needs the admiration of an audience to get the attention he so badly craves.
I agree that nothing would ever change if he didn't smash a few folks along the way as that would end up having the country continuing along the ways of the Clinton dynasty and honestly that's not what the USA needs right now.
Sadly like every country there are too many minority groups that get a lot of power from the media, especially if there is violence involved.
I live a 24 Hour lifestyle, but every now and again I seem to fall asleep, well at least that's what my wife tells me.