Hello there everyone, just discovered your site and thought I would join up, seeing as it shares my interests. I've recently acquired 2 vintage mowers and a garden cultivator and am restoring them as time permits. Also I'm restoring a small collection of villiers and other stationary engines.
Last edited by CyberJack; 07/02/1607:35 AM. Reason: Topic heading.
Hi CrankShaft, and a big warm welcome to the forum. It was great chatting last night, hope you join us again. Don't forget to check out the forum features and post any queries you may have; as we're a friendly bunch and we all love to learn new things and tinker here. We also love to see pics of any projects you have on the go.
Please do not PM me asking for support. Please post your questions in the appropriate forums, as the replies it may receive may help all members, not just the individual member. Kindest Regards, Darryl