The OutdoorKing forums greatly prefer that all images be hosted on our server.
Past experience has shown that much valuable information could be lost otherwise.
For this reason, we do not recommend 3rd-party hosting sites.

In July, 2019 we updated ODK Forums to give members two options:
embedded (in-line) images, or create a gallery of images.

Please use embedded images if you would like to use just one or two
images in your post. Please, no more. Otherwise, please use the gallery
for adding multiple images.

Here is the step-by-step procedure … IT’s SIMPLE laugh

[Linked Image]

The Full Editor presents a Tool Bar, A Writing Pane [Join the Conversation],
and links to the Attachment Manager and a Poll Manager.

[Linked Image]

[1] ADDING Embedded (In-line) Images.
Embedded images are ‘in-line’ images that appear at a point chosen by you
when you write a post. They do not appear below your post, as a gallery.

Only use this feature for one or two images. This type of image adding is
suited for when you want an image to appear directly below a point you make.
Do this:

(a) Start a topic, or reply to a topic
(b) Open the Full Editor
(c) Start typing your post
(d) Stop typing at the point you would like an image to appear.
(e) Stop the cursor on the next line or so
(f) Then, Click on the Attachment Manager

[Linked Image]

In the Attachment Manager typing a caption is optional.
Click on ‘Select A File To Attach’ and choose an image from your device.
Images should not be too large (about 800 pixels wide). The image will be
uploaded and an image will appear as a tiny thumbnail.

Click on this small thumbnail and the image code will embed at your chosen location.

[Linked Image]

Note that you will not see a preview of images until you post your topic.
This is the final product of my post as it would appear: -

[Linked Image]

[2] ADDING a Gallery or a Document.
This is so easy. Do as above. Use the Attachment Manager to add several
images or documents.

Your images will appear as a gallery after you have posted the post (no preview available).

- Only use as many images as is necessary to illustrate your post.
- Only embed one or two smaller images.
- Multiple images are best suited in a thumbnail gallery.
- Any uploaded Documents will appear at the bottom of your post.
- If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.