Hi There, im new to this great forum and just finding my way around.im from NSW. at the present moment i have 4 projects going. 1 is our 1974 toro 24" cut model 56033 ride on 2 is motor V70 tecumseh for toro above "major overhaul" 3 is ohv125 its 12.5 hp tecumseh vertical shaft 4 is a honda gx140 5hp motor+ compressor 100litre job
i have learnt a lot in 2months and willing to learn and tinker more.......cheers Toroman
Last edited by CyberJack; 07/02/1605:19 AM. Reason: Topic heading.
Hi toroman, A big warm welcome to the forum.It's nice to have you onboard. Here's hoping we can help you with any information you may require as we all love to learn things and tinker here.... Regards, Darryl _________________________
Please do not PM me asking for support. Please post your questions in the appropriate forums, as the replies it may receive may help all members, not just the individual member. Kindest Regards, Darryl
Hey Toroman, Would like to see some pics of your projects posted to the forum. Regards, Darryl
Please do not PM me asking for support. Please post your questions in the appropriate forums, as the replies it may receive may help all members, not just the individual member. Kindest Regards, Darryl
Hi Darryl, im doing some motor reconditioning, well you know,track down parts,pay for them, delivery from America,check parts..ill give it a go eh..ill take some digital pictures this week with it all apart LOL, i hope to get it together and working again.Cheers Toroman
Hi Toroman and welcome aboard. I am sure with all the members we should be able to help with some construtive advice if needed. I will keep an eye out for your post.
I am looking forard to seeing some pictures of your projects.
Please do not PM me asking for support. Post on the forums as it helps all members not just the individual.