Hi Jeff, Any idea what seem stuck on the Briggs or is it the clutch or somewhere further along. Can you disengage the clutch to get the motor to turn over. Has it been left out in the weather and water got into the piston?
It's not stuck anymore. Just the ride home in the back of the ute. It pulled over easily and with fresh fuel and a clean plug fired up straight away. It even cuts reasonably well and the drive still works.
It's mower no 02733 model no 590012.
No idea what type of drive gear it has. Looks like you have to pull off the drive roller to see
I am not keen to do very much to.
Question is what to do with it. Has to go, space issues. Try Gumtree I suppose.
A question for the Scotties is what type of drive gear it has. I bought it S/H in about 1986 and it was old then.
Might be worth trying to sell the engine. Might fit other Scotties. It's a B&S 2.5 hp original probably.
Well I put it up on Gumtree and it was sold for $50 in 3 hrs Could not believe it. Bloke that picked it just wanted any Scott Bonnar and was unconcerned about the plastic drive gear.
Amazing. Now I have a few boxes of 18 special stuff and a Johnson Iron Horse generator. All could go.Maybe try Gumtree again.
Anything atm with the name Scott Bonnar on it will have a newbie's ears instantly become sharpened up and think they'll score a gold nugget for next to nothing.
Even the humble Model 17 has suddenly risen in substantial value compared to what it held 5 years ago.
I'm not quite sure if this is a good thing, but it certainly has created a very financial world for certain folks that are manufacturing replacement parts, but sadly put most folks with a true love for these machines into a much poorer financial position.
Cheers, BB.
I live a 24 Hour lifestyle, but every now and again I seem to fall asleep, well at least that's what my wife tells me.
Just a few short years ago that 14 inch machine was a $50 machine at best, now look at what is trying to be extorted for something that needs a full re-work, I guess that's why it's still there and hasn't been sold as yet.
That diplomat at the end of your list has nearly had me rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter, $750 for one of those ?........Really ??
I keep saying that these young blokes that play with these in the "flipping world" have got way too much money on hand.
Taking the un-restored prices and the restored prices into consideration, there's not really that much coin to be made when taking prices on parts required into account. The person that's doing the best out of all this is the first one in the sequence that pays next to nothing and then just trys to flip the machine to an unsuspecting newbie that will get burnt and eventually lashed by his Wife when she finds out out........"How Much ????"
It's all rather comical to me.
Cheers, BB.
I live a 24 Hour lifestyle, but every now and again I seem to fall asleep, well at least that's what my wife tells me.
I was amazed at the interest in the Diplomat. $50 was too cheap obviously but I'm just pleased it's gone. I thought it was worthless.
The Diplomats were actually not a bad machine to use I thought. The rear catcher worked well and was convenient. Of course I have never used a real SB so I do not know. I had people very upset they missed out but my Gumtree policy first one at my place gets it. Too many no shows to hold anything.
I suppose the 3D printed drive gear might be alright and could extend their life.
Hi Jeff, I'm guessing the way the 3D print is laminated it might be ok, not sure on its wear capabilities. My son has 3 printers running 24 hours a day at the moment and I think he said that has to continue for at least another 40 days. I'm sure after that he could print off a batch quickly after that if somebody had the cad drawings, otherwise he would probably need a gear to do his own drawings. Then again it is no longer a problem for you and does anybody else care?
If I could get hold of a gear he could do a batch of them very easily. I'm guessing but he could probably print half a dozen at a time. It always amazes me how detailed and accurate they print things, I can't get my head around how it does it
The actual concept of not having the catcher at the front is a good idea for tighter gardens, but throwing cuttings over the drive train isn't one of my favourite concepts either I must say.
If someone remade that drive gear out of metal on a larger scale many of them would still be in use today opposed to heading off to the scrap yard where most have now gone to.
There were a batch of metal gears made some years back and they sold out within weeks to many of the Lawnmower Repair Shops and one place here in Adelaide even bought the remaining stock and sold them to various owners over time just to keep their machines coming back to his workshop for general maintenance work.
Wouldn't take all that much to make them again, but the market just isn't there and oddly most true blue SB owners wouldn't touch them with a barge pole thus they cop a bad wrap when potential owners go to buy one.
I have to say, there's something about seeing a revolving reel and not having one that's hidden and that I feel is it's biggest drawback.
Visual !
Cheers, BB.
I live a 24 Hour lifestyle, but every now and again I seem to fall asleep, well at least that's what my wife tells me.