This one is more so for the people here on the ODK Forum that know me personally and know that I haven't had a lawn at my new home to hone my craft on. The last house we owned had a snooker table finished front lawn and now it sadly looks like a wilderness gone wrong, it's really sad when you do all that work and people just go and dump their wrecks on the lawn like a Westfield parking lot.

Anyway here is a shot of my new Scott Bonnar playground that I've just planted 2 weeks ago and will post progress shots of as it spreads it's wings.

I've not been totally out of SB territory as I planted a small lawn at the side of the house midway through last season and it's looking pretty good so far. I'll post a shot of that section tomorrow,

Meanwhile here's the new one............

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Here's the side lawn as promised, remembering it's only about 9 months old
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I live a 24 Hour lifestyle, but every now and again I seem to fall asleep, well at least that's what my wife tells me.