G'day! I've just scored a pro Mac 700 and despite giving it some tlc I'm yet to get it roaring. It's got good spark, fresh fuel, good comp. , clean air filter etc but I can't get it to fire up. After about 6 pulls fuel is coming out the muffler. I've had the carby off and taken the top and bottom plates off for a squizz and it looks clean and ok. The plug is pretty wet when I pull it out. I'm wondering if it would be worth putting a carby kit through it? How much should I be paying for one of them?
Any other ideas?
I've got to get this beast going A: because I've got trees to cut down and
B: my old man always said " don't buy a McCulloch - they're useless, only good for boat anchors..." and I can't stand the " I told you so's"!
Cheers, Ben.