Everybody knows how thrifty (or stingy) the Scots are reputed to be, so:
A very strict regimental sergeant-major walked into a Chemist Shop in Edinburgh, Scotland, and, on opening his sporran, pulled out a grotty, holed and very tatty looking french letter and showed it to the Chemist.He then said;
"Canna I have the wee french letter repairrrred and how much!!
The Chemist replied; " Hoot Mon,a brand new one will only cost ya 25P!!"
The sergeant-major replies;" I want the french letter repairrrred
and I'll be back!
About 2 hours later, the sergeant-major returns and on pulling out the french letter says to the chemist:
" I still want the wee french letter repairrred and
The Regiment approves your tender!! Boom Boom lol!! laugh

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Kindest Regards, Darryl grin