Hi All,
I'm working on an old Kawasaki TG18 whipper snipper and I really can't work out how the head works.
The grove on the reel suggest that the line should be wound clockwise looking from the top.
[Linked Image]

It seems there is only one way to put the aluminium gear with spring back in the reel.
[Linked Image]
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The last black piece of plastic goes in nicely..
[Linked Image]

All seems installed ok and the reel can be turned only in anticlockwise direction.. unfortunately this rewinds the line! I tried to wind the line in the other way around, but in doing this, the reel unfolds by itself when the whipper snipper in running without locking. Nothing can be pushed in/out when the head is installed back on the shaft. Only the reel turns and the small black plastic insert has groves allowing the rotation only in anticlockwise direction looking from the top.
[Linked Image]
Could anything be worn to the point that the head doesn't work how it is supposed to do?
Can anyone help please!