
The imidacloprid is working - fortnightly application with a weekly application of Yates Pestoil (actually made by caltex apparently) at 30ml per L.

They got 3/4 of a bag of Neutrog Rooster Booster 2 weeks ago. Also did the Potash. Then last friday I did a light application of Cresco NPK (13 2 8).

I keep getting pressured to buy Black Marvel instead - but I reckon that stuff is complete overpriced BS (when I can't get an open bag at a decent price). Its supposedly NPK 12:2:10, with added Iron and Potash. I can do a folliar application of Chelated Iron and add some sulphate of potash to the Rooster Booster and it all still goes fine.

Only needing low maintenance dose of the Imidacloprid - using up a few old confidor sachets. Initially 2 sachets/5L, now 1 sachet in 5l sprayer - works out at 0.25g of pure imidacloprid per spray.

Which means I would get 800 5l fills out of the 1L bottle haha.

Have been using the Mavrik (Taufluvinate) on some Hibiscus which got aphids (worked). Will have to put some lime sulfur on the peach tree as its getting something up with it - can't remember what is wrong with it but the sulfur gets it.

Have been taking the precaution of cutting the unopened buds to prevent the bees getting them since after the first spraying there were a lot of wonky looking bees.

As you say - if we are responsible with it and take a few steps to avoid the bees, then it should be fine.

Picked up a bottle of Hovex Bifenthrin (though it says 500g/l of hydrocarbon liquid).
Slightly leaking seal at the top - marked down to $25 from $60.
