Posted By: Kye Turnbull Bookham Auction - The Good and the Bad - 18/03/19 03:10 AM
Over the weekend there was an auction at Bookham NSW. Sold at the auction was 100+ lawn mowers. I thought I would show some of the bargain and some of the record prices.

I am glad to see that finally something which isn't a Victa had entered the $1500+ range. Hopefully some other rarer lawn mowers will start to go up in value as well.

Some of the Highest prices included:

-A 1954 Mark 1 Victa Fan Mower for $2250 + buyers Premium

-1955/56 Spoke Wheeled Pace for $1600 + B.P.

-A 1956/7 Pace with parts Villager, 4-star and M5 for $450

-Victa Rotomo for $850

-Victa Dep store for $250

Some of The cheapest inclded:

-An early Champion for $5

-Model 4 Automatic with rear flap and parts of front flap for $350

-Rotoscythe for $10

-Rotoscythe Country for $60

-Austral Villiers Kickstart and Qualcast rotary for $20 the pair

-Whirlwind for $20

-Southern Cross for $20

-Clyde for $10

-First model Pope Rotary for $20

-Austral Villiers 7F for $10

-Green Hornet for $30

-Barclay (I think) for $5

-Complete whirlwinds for $30 and $5 each

Lots of mowers for high prices and lots for low, especially when it came to Victa Model 5s and Rotomos.

Posted By: CyberJack Re: Bookham Auction - The Good and the Bad - 18/03/19 12:24 PM
G'day Kye
Many thanks for that comprehensive report! smile

I've got to say that most AUS collectors have not moved on - beyond Victa.
They won't touch 'pushies' or anything without the 'V' logo.

On these forums, I have tried to explain the richness of our vintage mower history.

I failed.
Posted By: NormK Re: Bookham Auction - The Good and the Bad - 18/03/19 10:26 PM
You didn't fail Jack, don't be so hard on yourself, it is I guess just the sheer numbers of the early Victas out there and their unique style and the fact that nearly everybody can remember when dad or grandad bought one back in the fifties or sixties. All the other mowers, no matter how unique and with whatever innovations they had they now remain oddities a bit like the Victa Imperial compared to the SB's
I wouldn't say you failed Jack. Personally I like being able to pickup something more unique for a lower price. As Norm said, people remember Victa, its a personal thing.

This Pace might end up being a trend setter... who knows.
Posted By: Gizmo Re: Bookham Auction - The Good and the Bad - 20/03/19 06:48 AM
Hey Jack absolutely no failure there matey.I love your history lessons and have gained a true appreciation for the non V crowd.
Posted By: CyberJack Re: Bookham Auction - The Good and the Bad - 20/03/19 10:55 AM
G'day Norm, Kye and Gizmo

Many thanks, of course. Very welcome thoughts there. Thank you all!
This is such a complex issue ...

Harry Potter told us that the 'V' word was uncomfortable to speak out.
There is good reason for that ...

'V' held, at best, about half the market in rotaries in AUS during the 'golden years'.
The problem - for me - is that the other half was held by about half-a-dozen makers.
There were implications ...

No one smaller maker could match V's advertising budget - or expertise!
I think Norm summed up the issue very nicely. Numbers won the day.
The 'V' became iconic; the others a cat's aside from the prized mantelpiece.

Norm, Kye and Gizmo - the underdogs - understand rich history -
and there is a life beyond the "V crowd".

I hope more folk will engage in lawnmower history and save
the fewer remaining beasts that once roamed the gardens of AUS.

It was a massive auction I had a quick look for 5 minutes on Friday until they locked the gates. Bought a SB 33 on day one but missed getting a bid in on this thing on day two..I think it went for $20 not sure what it was but it was funky and i now am dreaming of it lol.

What is it?

Attached picture oQMZqsX.jpg
Posted By: CyberJack Re: Bookham Auction - The Good and the Bad - 21/03/19 09:42 AM
...but missed getting a bid in on this thing on day two..I think it went for $20 not sure what it was but it was funky and i now am dreaming of it lol.What is it?
G'day all ...

This explains this first - and most interesting - 1950s Pope ...

This is such an underrated and important rotary in our history.

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