Posted By: SAB Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 20/03/21 02:39 PM
Hi All

Got an old Homelite 25 Trimmer working yesterday as another little shed project.
Replaced the old fuel line & in-tank pickup filter & a general cleanup.

Works like a dream now except for the Trimmer Head.
Bump line release does not work and this means a 10 minute tirade of expletives when manually lengthening the line. Lost spring, line everywhere, uneven line etc etc etc

Anyone recommend a new fangled "quick feed" trimmer head as a replacement ?

They advertise a fuss-free 30 second line replacement .......

Worth it ?
Posted By: Tyler Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 20/03/21 03:23 PM
In my opinion SAB there are 2 main camps to this; either you go with a fixed line head (eg little juey) or you spring for a speed feed.

I would personally go for the speedfeed for around $20 off ebay

That being said, when you say homelite 25, do you mean a modern one? If so this is the least hassle to fit - is a quasi speed feed.

Posted By: NormK Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 20/03/21 10:25 PM
I sold a bloke a Homelite trimmer for $50 early last year he has come back maybe 4 times for me to fit new line. The thing that surprises me is that the trimmer still works because he aint the brightest tool in the shed
Posted By: Mowerfreak Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 21/03/21 06:50 AM
To be fair NK, they can be fiddly to wind line on. I never look forward to doing mine.
It might be a good thing to see him regularly to keep refreshing him on how you must mix oil into the fuel and not to loan it to someone else or let someone else fuel it.
Posted By: NormK Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 21/03/21 06:58 AM
Hi MF,
he already did that with a mower a couple of years ago
Posted By: Mowerfreak Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 21/03/21 01:29 PM
NK, you mean he straightt fueled himself or someone he loaned it to?
Posted By: NormK Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 21/03/21 09:46 PM
Hi MF,
I don't know, so hard to understand anything he says, I can work out about 10% of what he is saying. I sold him a mower about 3+years ago then about 12 months later he came back to get another mower. I asked him where was the one he had bought from me. He said he lent it to a friend and it started leaking petrol (probably from the primer cap) and his friend just put it out on the nature strip.Anyway he took another mower and a few weeks later he brought it back straight fueled. After much discussion with an interpreter on the phone I ended up putting another motor on it and away he went. Then a couple of weeks later he came back and wanted to know what sort of oil to put in it. Then he rang me a couple of months later wanting a box for the mower, I said I had no idea what he was talking about and later he turned up here and got a catcher. I didn't bother asking where the catcher that he got with the mower was. Then he said he wanted something cut edge, I worked out he wanted a whipper snipper so I put that off for a while but he kept coming back asking for one so in the end I sold him one for $50 He kept saying too much too much, so I hung it back up on the wall, eventually he paid the $50 and went away. After a couple of times bringing it back for me to put new cord on it he said he wanted a different head on it. The problem with the head was he didn't have any tools to undo the nut , it is a very simple head to re-string but he keeps bringing it back and it is just easier for me to put the new cord on and get him out the gate. At least he brings his roll of string.
Posted By: SAB Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 21/03/21 10:20 PM
Hahaha NormK
And I thought I had a knowledge deficit.
I'm now thinkin I'm genius level ........
Hope the guy also comes to you with a roll of fivers.

Thks for the Bunnings trimmer head reference.
Mine is an "HLT" model about 15 years old.
I saw this but assumed it was simply a replacement head, but it looks like Homelite have improved the design.
I will have a closer look when I next go to Bannings.
Posted By: Mowerfreak Re: Homelite 25 Trimmer Head - 22/03/21 06:24 AM
Norm, yep loaned it out and got ruined.
Why would the guy who borrowed it take it upon himself to dump someone else's machine, unless this guy said to?
Yep time to price the mowers closer to what you think Is a fair price to you as well as the buyer and filter out the riff raff.
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