Posted By: swampyro List of Rover Ride On Mowers Produced - 19/06/18 04:49 AM
I wonder if anyone has a List of Rover Ride On Mowers Produced, Ranger Rancher etc
it seems that soo many models are the same with different motors, its so hard to work out
the old ones.... l wonder if there is a list around... l wrote to Rover and no they don't have one,
so they say.

Posted By: CyberJack Re: List of Rover Ride On Mowers Produced - 20/06/18 12:43 PM
Hello swampyro
As the Forum Historian, I only have interest in the early Rovers,
up to about 1980.

At this time the model range was easy.
However, Model lists were problematic - in that Rover always
linked model number to engine used.

A search on the Blue Bar (above) for 'Rover Brochure' should
identify the Model numbers for ride-ons up to about 1980.

After that, who knows?

After the '80's the corporate 'rag-doll' of change-of-ownership makes
tracing a time line, and model ID difficult.

That's the modern world of garden machinery we have inherited.

Sorry I couldn't help.
I hope a Rover enthusiast may have done some research here...?

Posted By: vint_mow Re: List of Rover Ride On Mowers Produced - 20/06/18 11:48 PM
It is always sad when you contact companies that have a long history in Australia with a question about their own past and they say they do not have any information. In one case of a company I contacted, they even denied ever making a particular model of machine from the 1990s, even though it has their brand name on it. They in fact refused to acknowledge any machine they once made, even the ones just a few years old.

Some companies do keep a running archive of their own history on file, others seem to just move on from year to year and apparently bin everything relating to previous sales periods. Former managers move on or retire. Younger ones take their place who often have no knowledge of what came before them. The world is becoming faster paced all the time. It has become so hard keeping "relevant" and up-to-date and ahead of the competitors that there is no time for the past. Try to talk to a computer company for instance about the model they brought out in 2002 and they will laugh at you. That was like "AGES" ago!!! They cannot understand why anyone should be interested in something so old when there are brand new ones available on the shelf.

On the other hand, I was pleasantly surprised when I contacted the Conwire company recently, which made throttle control levers for mowers back in the 1960s. The company is still in operation today. I sent them photos of a 1960s throttle control and they had a hunt around the workshop and returned a photo of a partial Conwire throttle control from the 1960s. They said they would keep looking as the missing part may still turn up. Sometimes we can help to spark an interest in a company's past simply by expressing an interest ourselves. This is more likely to be the case with smaller, privately-owned enterprises that have a long history. Other times our interest is a lost cause, especially in the case of some large, modern companies. Sadly, this is regardless of the fact that these companies often grew from very humble beginnings.

I was in fact thinking of contacting Rover myself to see if they would have any archived photos of their very first factory in Brisbane. But now it seems this could be a lost cause? :-(
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