Just for the curious ones (me for instance) what model is the Honda trimmer - couldn't see the sticker in your photo.
I rescued a UMK422 loop handle from a mower shop scrap bin, turned out to be one of my most useful garden tools. All of my other whipper/brushcutters had been 'bike handles and I had always thought loopers were woosy.
It's fairly easy to find good parts etc Norm but it's just the time you spend looking as it probably took me an hour and a half to get them and get home, These days mowers aren't worth picking up unless you want one for yourself .
The Honda Line Trimmer is a UMK 425U , GX25 motor MM.
Yes I know Max, I just don't have the time to look around here and our hard rubbish collections are ordered by the residents so you can only be lucky if you stumble across something worth grabbing. I'm only chasing the bigger mowers/slashers, Deutschers and the Victa 24's everything else is not worth the effort
Norm I think the 24's are a labour of love with the time you spend acquiring and repairing them ,Id make more on the smaller $80. mowers timewise.
I think if you put the trailer on and traveled half an hour away from your place and went to the annual collection areas you'd find lots of smaller mowers but they still aren't selling well so yes not worth the time and effort.
Yes Max, the 24,s are a labour of love, I picked one up last week from Tarneit was a 3 hour round trip. They all take me a bucket of hours to repair because by the time I get them they have been flogged to death and they all need new motors (the Tarneit one runs so that is a bonus) and if they are missing the motor that then means I am searching for a pulley or I have to make one up somehow. I still have 4 bodies here to take F/C motors and 1 to suit a PT but I only have one pulley left for a full crank
The Honda Line Trimmer is a UMK 425U , GX25 motor MM.
More modern than mine Max, good find indeed. Hope it can be brought back to serviceable condition. Have never seen a Honda trimmer of any sort abandoned on the roadside.
The 24 with a PT Norm would be easy for a pulley if you can find an old PT Tilt a Cut thrown out ,It might be worth posting the full crank pulley to China a get some made unless you find one that needs minimal machining to fit.
I see some Honda equipment thrown out MM but it's so cheap to buy on eBay second hand ,I thought I saw new GX35 motors for $80. last Black Friday. I found a couple Honda blowers years ago with GX25 motors.
Hi Max, I have done a PT with a pulley from a Tilt a Cut but it took me a long time to machine it down to fit inside the 24 and clear the axle. I think I have the weight problem solved even though it is a bit time consuming. I was able to cut down the 2 pulleys I got from you from the early Victa self propelled, they worked well but once again time consuming. I am thinking of getting a 3 inch alloy pulleys and bore them out to fit it over the boss and grub screw it to the boss. Maybe grind a flat on the boss to prevent it spinning. This way I could do the same for the PT's and the full cranks. I should be able to pick 3 inch ally pulleys for about $20 so that should solve that never ending problem with them
With the vertical shaft motor in a dirty environment and grass the alloy pulley may prematurely wear out ,I've seen alloy pulleys on some self drive mowers but the crank and v belt is completely sealed behind a plastic cover even then most are steel pulleys.
The grub screw doesn't necessarily need a flat spot to stop it spinning it may be easier just to drill a small locator hole in the boss for the screw to lock into.
I've used old VW pulleys and just made a spacer in the centre so a wider V belt fits and welded the spacer in the centre so it can be machined out to fit a shaft .If you could get VW pulleys for around $16. each it might be another option.
It was always quicker welding one together than machining up the complete part. A second hand water pump pulley at a wreckers is about $17. each.
Hi Max, No need to widen the pulley the 24 uses an M section belt for some reason although you can use an A section, it just sits a bit higher on the pulley. They use an ally pulley on the blade carrier spindle but admittedly it has a sheetmetal cover to protect it from the grass to an extent
Yes I would think a 24 would be ok with the alloy pulley on the motor as the motor is a distance away from the cutting part of the deck just as long as it doesn't get covered with grass.
On a side note ,I got a chance to look at the Honda Line Trimmer UMK 425U ,pulled the carby down, blew some compressed air at it ,dismantled the original fuel filter and gave it a clean but when I connected a hose to the filter and blew air down it, it just seemed a little restricted ,so I took a filter out of another snipper that was less restricted ,then changed the fuel hoses $1.70 a meter ,replaced the pump diaphragm in the carby with one from an old 2 stroke carby that was a acetate blue diaphragm , and now runs like new.
I can get a new red engine cover for $20. or just find another Honda snipper for a cover.
Also this snipper would not rev out properly until I changed the fuel hoses and the filter even though there weren't any obvious defects and the primer does blow a few air bubbles down the fuel hose back to the tank if you push the primer fast.
Yes I rarely use line trimmers ,I've used them more with chain saw attachments or hedge trimmer attachments than I have cutting grass.
I'll get some use out of this one as it will be quicker to use than mixing fuel for a 2 stroke snipper.
I thought I'd have a quick look on the roadside for half an hour today to see if I could find another with a red plastic cover ,ended up with another 4 mowers and a big Tanaka snipper with new cutting line.
One small problem with the Honda snipper was it was missing the cutting head but I took one from a victa tornado line trimmer (the alloy head from a straight shaft) and that fits on .
One of the mowers I found last Sunday ,electric start, 248 cc motor ,looks like it was thrown because a wheel fell off, It ran well when I pushed the start button with the old fuel in the tank.
Also a couple snippers ,the Mitsubishi TU26 ran well when I put some fuel in and the Tanaka TPC355 looks like it needs a module as there is no spark.
With the Victa Tornado cutter head on the Honda snipper ,you need to use 4 washers as a spacer ,if anyone is going to do this ,I had to drill the washers and grind down the outside of one that fits into the alloy recess.
I also picked up a container of new bolts ,washers etc so I didn't need to buy any.
I can buy a new red cover for $10. or buy another Honda snipper for $50.