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#119904 30/10/24 12:48 PM
Joined: Jan 2016
Posts: 7,658
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NormK Online Content OP
I have just fitted a new PTO to this machine and I'm wondering how to test the wiring to the PTO. When I turn the ignition switch on all I get is a flicker from the ignition light, not sure if this is the way they are? On the back of the switch there is about 8 wires coming from it and I can't match any colours going down to the wire the PTO plugs into. I assume a couple of the wires from the back of the switch are seat safety wires? Any idea if I can engage the PTO without the motor running? Any thoughts?

Last edited by NormK; 30/10/24 12:51 PM.
NormK #119905 30/10/24 05:47 PM
Joined: Sep 2015
Posts: 2,226
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Hi Norm,

Probably the easiest way would be to check a wiring diagram .

I have a copy of a Cub Cadet wiring diagram here if it;s the same as the one you are after.

It looks like it won't work unless the reverse switch ,seat switch and reverse relay are working.


Attached Images
PTO wiring.png (161.29 KB, 10 downloads)
g (JPEG Image 1200 pixels).jpg (59.35 KB, 10 downloads)
NormK #119911 30/10/24 08:22 PM
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NormK Online Content OP
Hi Max,
Thanks for that I found park brake locked in and the seat switch and all good. I wondered why it smoked so much and then I checked the oil and it was way over full. I should have picked it up when I had to pull the rocker cover gasket because it was dripping oil. Rocker cover off and oil was dripping out of the head. Anyway all good now

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